Lina's EEG Adventure and Lina’s EEG: A Medical Mystery are two new books that help children learn about epilepsy and the EEG process.

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Author Danielle Perrotta reads Chapter One of Lina's EEG Adventure!
Read Chapter One of Lina's EEG Adventure HERE.
Read about Lina's EEG Adventure in Matters Magazine.
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Lina was playing checkers with Sam, her best friend, when all of a sudden Lina fell to the floor and started to shake all over.
Lina might have had a seizure. Now it’s up to the Brain Detectives—Lina and Sam—to join with a team of doctors, nurses, technicians and parents to find out. But first, Lina has to have an EEG...whatever that is.
About 1% of all Americans are living with some form of epilepsy. One in ten Americans will have at least one seizure in their lifetime, but not everyone who has a seizure will be diagnosed with epilepsy.
One of the most effective tools for diagnosing epilepsy is an EEG, which is short for electroencephalogram. An EEG helps doctors discover unusual or abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
Seizures can be as upsetting for children as for adults, or maybe more so. Lina’s EEG Adventure takes the reader through Lina’s discovery and acceptance of her diagnosis, and the importance of friends and family—”framily”—each step of the way.


Danielle Perrotta is a passionate educator and enjoys teaching children with diverse learning styles and challenges to be successful academically and creatively. As a special-needs mom of a daughter with epilepsy, she was inspired to write a book to share the journey from seizure to diagnosis. Danielle lives in Maplewood, NJ with her two children and loves to play the ukulele, go for walks in the South Mountain Reservation and shop local.

Watch Danielle on CBS News!
Tracy J. Nishimoto was born and raised in Hawai’i. She has had a varied career, teaching English to Japanese middle schoolers, designing theatrical costumes and working in film. She lives in Seattle.

Curious Connectors was founded upon the belief that we are all curious about the world around us and our inner lives. Curiosity compels us to ask questions, make sense of our experiences and connect the dots on our journey. As an educator, Danielle Perrotta believes in the necessity of raising critical thinkers who are empowered to be inquisitive and creative. The mission of Curious Connectors is to use literature to empower children to critically think about themselves and the world around them, be inquisitive, and creative. By encouraging our children to tell their own stories, they can process their feelings, educate others, and demystify topics that are challenging to talk about.
The following resources are among the many excellent sources of information available to people and families whose lives are affected by epilepsy.
Epilepsy Foundation—Provides national and community resources to support people, friends and families affected by epilepsy. There is a 24/7 helpline, resources, and connections to specialists.
Epilepsy Foundation Kids’ Crew—This branch of the Epilepsy Foundation is run by kids and a place where young people (14 and younger) who have epilepsy, are a support person to someone with epilepsy or want to educate others about epilepsy can get resources and information. There are opportunities to learn, volunteer, and take part in challenges and virtual events.
American Epilepsy Society—The website contains clinical resources, patient support resources, research, news, and more links to local organizations and jobs in the field.
CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy)—A site with a wealth of knowledge from research, news, patient support to a podcast covering topics and people’s intimate experiences. There is a fundraising component that supports research.
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